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5 Alarming Signs You Need to Replace Your Roof

You might think that a roof is built to last forever, but sadly, that’s not the case. General deterioration, damage, and cheap or incomplete installation and repair work can lead to a necessary and expensive roof replacement further down the track. Not sure what to look for when assessing your roof? Here are five indications a replacement is needed.

Major Damage

If your roof has suffered damage from wind, hail or projectiles to over 35% of its surface, a roof replacement is a necessary and cost-effective option. Look for damage such as missing or loose tiles.

Bad Roofing Jobs

When you get roofing work done, it’s crucial you enlist a professional company to avoid the need for a replacement. There are tell-tale signs to look out for to assess the quality of your roofing job. Issues such as missing drip edge flashing or shingles, sheet joins, a lack of uniformity, no proper roof nailing if shingle, reused flashing material, unfixed flashing making noise, and irregular sheeting indicate ineffective work and the need for a replacement.

Terracotta Tiles

If your roof is tiled with terracotta, you’ll most likely need replacements in the future. These tiles are heavy and can cause damage to your roof frame over time. Metal roofing, particularly Colorbond, is by far a better, longer-lasting and more efficient roofing material.

Curling Shingles

While curling shingles are usually an issue for older roofs, if your roof is less than seven years old and has curling shingles, this could indicate improper installation or poor attic ventilation. As curling shingles can result in leaks and roof rot, it is vital you arrange for a replacement as soon as you can.

Old Age

The lifespan of your roof will depend on various factors including your location, the material, age of your roof, the weather, salt levels and humidity. On average, roofs are designed to be replaced every 30 years, however, different materials can affect this. A slate or copper roof can last up to 50 years, while fibre cement or asphalt roofs could last half that. Metal roofs, such as Colorbond, generally carry a long lifespan. If your roof is old, it’s advisable to consider a replacement.

Choose Garden City Roofing For All Your Roofing Needs

If you’re on the lookout for quality roof repairs and replacements in Toowoomba, you’ve come to the right place. Our team at Garden City Roofing has many years of experience providing quality, reliable and affordable roofing and guttering solutions to a range of valued clients. Contact us today on 0439 725 265 to speak to one of our friendly team members, get some honest advice on your situation, learn more about our services or arrange an obligation-free quote.